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Angie Brew
Dr. Brew studied for her PhD in drawing and cognition at CCW (Chelsea, Camberwell and Wimbledon) Graduate School, UAL. She now runs the Brew International Drawing School, is co-founder of Thinking through Drawing, and is a member of The Centre for Drawing, UAL.
Brew recently helped to organize We All Draw, the Thinking Through Drawing 2015 Symposium, at the Bargehouse, Southbank, London, and is now launching Sky Lark Arts, a new community arts project, to include Creative Ageing UK.
After studying sculpture and drawing at Edinburgh College of Art she created and ran Skylark Galleries on the Southbank and worked as an artist and drawing teacher. In 2006 she completed her Master of Drawing with Distinction at Camberwell College of Art, with an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) scholarship, and in 2007 began her doctoral research, in the Drawing and Cognition Project, on the impact of drawing practice on perception, also funded by the AHRC. Her research interest is in cognitive, perceptual, and motor processes involved in drawing, particularly temporal aspects of observational drawing and the orchestration of eye and hand. She studied rhythm of eye and hand movements and sensorimotor communication between the eye and hand. Her thesis ‘The Seeing Hand’ argues that the hand and the eye forge a strong connection through practice, with the hand increasingly sharing a perceptual role with the eye, leading to a fine tuning of perception. Her interdisciplinary research methodology combines quantitative eye tracking techniques, video observation and reflective practice. The Brew Drawing School runs drawing courses ranging from retreats for small groups to accredited teacher education and professional development workshops.
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